Sunday, October 18, 2015 about that HTML?

Well, in the midst of me watching this Sunday Night Football game, I decided to try my hand at making this HTML webpage for class. Basically what I know about HTML creation is very small and miniscule but what I also know is that it was pretty fun! I won't lie it was a pretty awesome feeling to find out that my first try that it actually worked. Obviously once I got it up and got a look at it I adjusted a few things in the code to get it to where I like it. It's a simple page yes but I feel like being able to make one at all was a good feeling and I'm excited to learn more about getting more experimental with it. Now about the page itself, it basically covers my feelings towards this Sunday Night game between my Colts and the ever so hated Patriots. Just when I thought we were actually going to take charge, we run one of the worst plays that I have ever seen in my entire life. For those who want to see a visual representation of how I felt watching it and then watching it again several other times, please by all means visit my webpage.

Here is the link for your convenience: file:///C:/Users/Leif/School/Fall%202015/Virtual%20World/testfile5.html


Make sure that you copy all the way from the three slashes until the end, and then right click in the url box and select "Paste and Go" should take you right to the page.

Also again, may I add onto this post. The Colts actually looked like they have what it takes to compete against the Patriots!! No moral victories in my book but progress has been shown, that's what I know.

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