Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Convergence is an interesting thing that I have learned about in my technology class. It is basically when two technologies sort of come together to perform similar tasks. These things have distinct attributes that are involved: data throughput, access, computational speed, and memory usage.

  • Data throughput: it has to do with the rate at which things are processed and how fast data gets transferred to wherever.
  • Access: How people are able to get a certain technology and whether or not they'll use it.
  • Computational Speed: This one is interesting because you have to think about Moore's Law, in which it states that computational speed will double every two years or so. I feel that it may have slowed down on the every two years department but it still speeds up quickly.
  • Memory usage: This one sometimes is hard to explain to some people. By that I mean explaining cloud storage is one that sometimes I'm not sure I understand but basically it combines wireless technologies with computer storage and that's really what convergence is about.

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